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Legal Loopholes?
Friday, March 26 // 8:27 PM
Associated Press ~ Shelia Bird.

Itawamba Agricultural High School, located in Jackson, Mississippi, canceled its spring prom due to one single student said to have caused "disruptions." Constance McMillen, an 18-year-old student at the high school, was bluntly denied her "First Amendment" rights when her school canceled the prom. McMillen planned to escort her girlfriend to the prom while also wearing a tuxedo. In attempt to keep this from occurring the school board, rather than telling her she couldn't bring a same-sex date to the school prom, decided to cancel the prom altogether. Soon after this event, the American Civil Liberties Union sued the Itawamba county school district for violating the student's rights. District officials claimed that cancellation of the prom was best for all the students' "education" and "safety." However, McMillen only wanted to make a statement, to let school officials know and understand how she felt.

This article brought to my attention people's fear of change and differences and also to the wide variety of citizens in this country. In this argument, a young girl challenged her high school's rules with a simple, harmless demonstration of her constitutional rights. But the school saw this as a threat to the student body. McMillen clearly won this argument, for the school district had no valid reason to not allow same-sex dates or to cancel the prom entirely.

link to this article:

blog title ~ Political Ponderings?

Call Me: Taylor, Tay, Tayce.
Cake Me On: Jan 17.
Livin it Up in: Austin, Tx.
I like: music, art, traveling, social studies, yoga, photography, drawing, oil painting, spontaneity, dance, tai chi, Iaido, drums, piano, harp, guitar, love, psychology, philosophy, videogames, reading, anime, manga, animals, parkour, nihongo, writing & pretty much anything else that's mildly interesting
I dislike: loud noises, close minded people, arrogance, ignorance, phone conversations, normal, && many other things I could never begin to list. I kinda dislike everything...

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Right Foot Red, Left Hand Blue
Focus on the Issues
My Opinions...
Let's Talk America
Events in the U.S.
It had to happen sometime
The Harbor...
Diving into Politics
Death Blogger
Good Gov @ Home
Gov and the way it is
Something to think sbout
Helping Hand for All
Confusing Road
as the wheels turn...
My Words on the World
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starting out
Freedom to Blog
My Thoughts
Who Needs Gov?
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